Thursday, June 28, 2012

Minus nine degrees celsius

Thought I would try writing it in full to see if it looked any better.

It doesn’t.

Is there such a temperature? I mean, a human-inhabitable one, that is? Apparently, that is the forecast for an area in Tasmania that we, fearless travellers with child, intend on visiting in the not too distant future.

Reassuringly, I continue to read the Bureau of Meteorology forecast. That will be the minimum temperature. You will be delighted to know that during the day it will warm up to a very temperate 0.

It is about now that I am seriously considering my state of wellbeing and my capacity to make judgments.  I am thinking that perhaps it is best for everyone if I just sign over power of attorney now, before I make any more irretrievable decisions that may subject my loving family to a lifetime of holiday cryogenic experiences.

While I thought Germany, in the height of the northern winter, would bring about many wonderful memories, we were extremely lucky with the weather. Not so lucky with the language barrier, but we managed to hold our own as our regular bloggees will know.

Mum, it's cold when you haven't got any hair!

So back to my holiday planning.

Look...many courageous men and women have endured climatic hardships whilst accomplishing incredible feats. Mawson and Hillary come to mind.

On that basis alone, I think Team O’Connor should be able to manage the wilds of Tasmania... in a hire car...


  1. As a resident of Tassie, I hear you! While it isn't *that* cold in Hobart, it is cold enough to question your sanity when choosing to remain here in Winter.
    New follower on board from Dp :D

    1. Welcome Crissy. I hope you enjoy taking a journey with Team O'Connor. At times we may seem a little dysfunctional, but it's all part and parcel of learning along the way!

  2. Meredith, I have 7 children, dysfunctional is the new black :P
